Our clothing collection includes reproductions and original garments and accessories from different time periods that may have been worn by the families who resided in the Dwight-Derby Home.
Clothing was made of natural fabrics such as cotton or wool. Dressy clothes were made of silk, velvet or brocade. Most colonists made their own clothes. They spun the thread, wove the cloth and sewed the clothes. A single outfit could take months to make. Clothes may also have been ordered from England, but it could take months for them to arrive and they were very expensive.
Stop by to see the elegant lace wedding gown worn by Mary (Townsend) Derby on her wedding day in 1820.
Men’s revolutionary clothing. Reproduction. Men often wore loose shirts, waistcoats, breeches, hanging bags and three-cornered hats.
Women’s dress reproduction. Long sleeve cotton dress with shawl and lace accents, gathered at the waist coming down to the ankles.
Men’s revolutionary clothing. Reproduction. Loose shirt with collar, waistcoat and breeches with cast brass buttons.